Source code for python_awair

"""Python asyncio client for the Awair REST API.

This module is an object-oriented wrapper around the Awair_
REST API_. It requires an access token (which can be obtained
from the `developer console`_) and implements read-only access
to the "user" portions of the API.

.. _Awair:
.. _API:
.. _`developer console`:

from asyncio import gather
from typing import List, Optional

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from python_awair import const
from python_awair.auth import AccessTokenAuth, AwairAuth
from python_awair.client import AwairClient
from python_awair.devices import AwairLocalDevice
from python_awair.exceptions import AwairError
from python_awair.user import AwairUser

[docs]class Awair: """Entry class for the Awair API. Args: session: An aiohttp session that will be used to query the Awair API. access_token: An optional access token, obtained from the Awair developer console, used to authenticate to the Awair API. authenticator: An optional instance of an AwairAuth class, which can provide an HTTP Bearer token for authentication. Most users will simply provide an access_token, instead. """ client: AwairClient """AwairClient: The instantiated AwairClient that will be used to fetch API responses and check for HTTP errors. """ def __init__( self, session: ClientSession, access_token: Optional[str] = None, authenticator: Optional[AwairAuth] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the Awair API wrapper.""" if authenticator: self.client = AwairClient(authenticator, session) elif access_token: self.client = AwairClient(AccessTokenAuth(access_token), session) else: raise AwairError("No authentication supplied!")
[docs] async def user(self) -> AwairUser: """Return the current AwairUser. The Awair "user" API does not provide a way to query for a specific user, so this method always returns the user that is associated with the authentication that is in-use. This is *typically* the user that owns the access_token that was provided at class instantiaton, unless you have provided an authenticator class implementing some other stategy (perhaps OAuth). """ response = await self.client.query(const.USER_URL) return AwairUser(client=self.client, attributes=response)
[docs]class AwairLocal: """Entry class for the local sensors Awair API.""" client: AwairClient """AwairClient: The instantiated AwairClient that will be used to fetch API responses and check for HTTP errors. """ _device_addrs: List[str] """IP or DNS addresses of Awair devices with the local sensors API enabled.""" def __init__(self, session: ClientSession, device_addrs: List[str]) -> None: """Initialize the Awair local sensors API wrapper.""" self._device_addrs = device_addrs if len(device_addrs) > 0: self.client = AwairClient(AccessTokenAuth(""), session) else: raise AwairError("No local Awair device addresses supplied!")
[docs] async def devices(self) -> List[AwairLocalDevice]: """Return a list of local awair devices.""" responses = await gather( *( self.client.query(f"http://{addr}/settings/config/data") for addr in self._device_addrs ) ) return [ AwairLocalDevice( client=self.client, device_addr=self._device_addrs[i], attributes=device ) for i, device in enumerate(responses) ]