
Sample program

"""Remote sensors example."""

import os
import asyncio
import aiohttp
from python_awair import Awair

async def fetch_data():
    """Fetch remote data."""
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        # Instantiate a client with your access token, and an asyncio session:
        token = os.environ.get("AWAIR_TOKEN")
        client = Awair(access_token=token, session=session)

        # Retrieve a user object:
        user = await client.user()

        # List that user's devices:
        devices = await user.devices()

        # Get some air quality data for a user's device:
        data = await devices[0].air_data_latest()

        # Print things out!
        print(f"Device: {devices[0]}")

        # You can access sensors as dict items:
        for sensor, value in data.sensors.items():
            print(f"  {sensor}: {round(value, 2)}")

        # Or, as attributes:
        print(f"  temperature again: {round(data.sensors.temperature, 2)}")


Here’s what running that sample would print:

$ AWAIR_TOKEN=foo python examples/remote.py
Device: <AwairDevice: uuid=awair_24947 model=Awair>
  dust: 13.7
  temperature: 22.12
  humidity: 45.18
  carbon_dioxide: 1114.0
  volatile_organic_compounds: 545.0
  temperature again: 22.12

Instantiating a client

To instantiate a client, you’ll need your access token and must also pass in an aiohttp session:

async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
    client = Awair(access_token="token", session=session)

Getting the current user

This example retrieves the user, and prints out some information.

async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
    client = Awair(session=session, token="token")
    user = await client.user()

    if user.dob is not None:
        print(f"This user was born on: {user.dob}")

    for method, limit in user.permissions.items():
        print(f"Method: {method} - {limit}")

Listing a user’s devices

To retrieve every device a user can see:

async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
    client = Awair(session=session, token="token")
    user = await client.user()
    devices = await user.devices()
    for device in devices:
        print(f"I can see this device: {device}")

Fetching recent data for a device

async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
    client = Awair(session=session, token="token")
    user = await client.user()
    devices = await user.devices()
    device = devices[0]

    data = await device.air_data_latest()
    print(f"Awair score: {data.score}")
    for sensor, value in data.sensors:
      print(f"{sensor}: {round(value, 2)}")
      if sensor in data.indices:
        print(f"  awair index: {data.indices[sensor]}")

Fetching data from a different time

async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
    client = Awair(session=session, token="token")
    user = await client.user()
    devices = await user.devices()
    device = devices[0]

    data = await device.air_data_five_minute(
      from=(datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=2)),
      to=(datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=1, minutes=30))

    for datum in data:
      print(f"Data at: {datum.timestamp}")
      print(f"Awair score: {datum.score}")
      for sensor, value in datum.sensors:
        print(f"{sensor}: {round(value, 2)}")
        if sensor in datum.indices:
          print(f"  awair index: {datum.indices[sensor]}")

Sample local sensors program

Awair recently added the local sensors API, where you can retrieve current (and only current) air data from devices on your local network over HTTP.

"""Local Sensors Example."""

import os
import asyncio
import aiohttp
from python_awair import AwairLocal

async def fetch_data():
    """Get data from local Awair device."""
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        device_address = os.environ.get("AWAIR_DEVICE", "AWAIR-ELEM-1419E1.local")
        client = AwairLocal(session=session, device_addrs=[device_address])

        # List the local devices:
        devices = await client.devices()

        # Get some air quality data for a user's device:
        data = await devices[0].air_data_latest()

        # Print things out!
        print(f"Device: {devices[0]}")
        print(f"Device firmware: {devices[0].fw_version}")

        # You can access sensors as dict items:
        for sensor, value in data.sensors.items():
            print(f"  {sensor}: {round(value, 2)}")

        # Or, as attributes:
        print(f"  temperature again: {round(data.sensors.temperature, 2)}")


Running this sample prints:

$ AWAIR_DEVICE= python examples/local.py
Device: <AwairDevice: uuid=awair-element_5366 model=Awair Element>
  dew_point: 10.81
  abs_humid: 9.59
  co2_est: 461
  voc_baseline: 2536742680
  voc_h2_raw: 27
  voc_ethanol_raw: 39
  pm10_est: 3
  temperature: 19.16
  humidity: 58.46
  carbon_dioxide: 438
  volatile_organic_compounds: 384
  particulate_matter_2_5: 2
  temperature again: 19.16