Source code for python_awair.user

"""An Awair user."""

from datetime import date
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

from python_awair import const
from python_awair.client import AwairClient
from python_awair.devices import AwairDevice

[docs]class AwairUser: """An Awair user. This class is primarily informational - it describes the user to which the provided authentication belongs (be that an access_token, or perhaps an OAuth token). Available fields include user information, API quotas, and usage. Additionally, the class provides a method to access the list of devices that are "owned" by this user. .. note:: While you can instantiate this class by hand (perhaps in a test case), you should typically load a user by calling *Awair.user()* instead. Args: client: An AwairClient that is used if this AwairUser object needs to query the API. attributes: A mapping which describes the user. This class expects that the *attributes* provided are essentially the result of calling the */v1/users/self* API endpoint. """ user_id: str """str: The user ID uniquely references an Awair user account. It is returned as a string, because API docs indicate it is a string. """ email: Optional[str] """Optional[str]: The email addres on file for the user.""" first_name: Optional[str] """Optional[str]: The first name of the user.""" last_name: Optional[str] """Optional[str]: The last name of the user.""" sex: Optional[str] """Optional[str]: The 'sex' of the user. Typical values seem to be 'MALE', 'FEMALE', or 'UNKNOWN'. """ dob: Optional[date] """Optional[date]: The user's date of birth, if known.""" tier: Optional[str] """Optional[str]: The account "tier". This broadly maps to a set of permissions and API quotas, but they are not currently well-defined. """ usages: Dict[str, int] """Dict[str, int]: A mapping describing API usage. The keys represent the type of API call being described, and should be reflected in the user's *permissions* attribute. The values represent the number of times that the API call has been used in this usage window. Usage windows reset at midnight. .. todo:: Document the timezone of the usage window reset. """ permissions: Dict[str, int] """Dict[str, int]: A mapping describing API quotas. The keys represent the type of API call being described, and if the API call has been used in this usage window, then it will be represented in this user's *usages* attribute. The values represent the maximum number of times that the API call may be used in this usage window. Usage windwos reset at midnight. .. todo:: Document the timezone of the usage window reset. """ client: AwairClient """AwairClient: A reference to the configured AwairClient. This AwairClient will be used to query the API and validate HTTP responses. It's normally not something one would need to access. """ def __init__(self, client: AwairClient, attributes: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Initialize an awair user from API attributes.""" self.user_id = attributes["id"] = attributes.get("email", None) self.first_name = attributes.get("firstName", None) self.last_name = attributes.get("lastName", None) = attributes.get("sex", None) self.dob: Optional[date] dob_day = attributes.get("dobDay", None) dob_month = attributes.get("dobMonth", None) dob_year = attributes.get("dobYear", None) if all([dob_day, dob_month, dob_year]): self.dob = date(day=dob_day, month=dob_month, year=dob_year) else: self.dob = None self.tier = attributes.get("tier", None) self.usages = { item["scope"]: item["usage"] for item in attributes.get("usages", []) } self.permissions = { item["scope"]: item["quota"] for item in attributes.get("permissions", []) } self.client = client def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return a friendly representation.""" parts = [f"user_id={self.user_id}"] if is not None: parts.append(f"email={}") return f"<AwairUser: {' '.join(parts)}>"
[docs] async def devices(self) -> List[AwairDevice]: """Return a list of awair devices this user owns. .. note:: For organization users, the underlying API endpoint that this method uses should show you devices that you have access to view. However, the organization API is not directly supported at this time. """ response = await self.client.query(const.DEVICE_URL) return [ AwairDevice(client=self.client, attributes=device) for device in response.get("devices", []) ]